
EastMed-Poseidon reporting

Orange arrow IGI Poseidon Reporting Policy

IGI Poseidon operates to high working standards, with respect for people, environment, local communities, property and crops. It ensures equal reporting opportunities for those who wish to do so, in order to improve its practices and build trust and cooperation with stakeholders.

Orange arrow Reporting Definition

A Report may be a request, question, remark or complaint about an action or omission of the Company or its partners during the execution of the project. A Report can be easily submitted by anyone (individual or group) who believes that they have been adversely affected in any way.

Orange arrow Reporting Process

– The company acknowledges receipt of the report.
– The report is investigated in cooperation with the relevant departments.
– If additional data is required, we will contact you.
– The company shall reply to the report.
– The person concerned has the right to request a review by the company if he/she is not satisfied with the response or the proposed solution.
– More information can be found at

Orange arrow Privacy Policy

The Company complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Law 4624/2019 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

To submit a Report, you can choose to send an email to or complete and submit the Reporting Form

Reporting Form

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