IGI Poseidon is committed to develop the Project in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. IGI Poseidon has undertaking a comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study aligned to national applicable regulations, EBRD Performance Requirements, EU Directive on Projects of Common Interest (PCI), as well as relevant policies of international best practice standards.
The permitting process in Cyprus
According to the applicable Cypriot law (Law N.127(I)/2018), the EastMed Pipeline Project falls under Annex I of the above mentioned law which refers to projects for which a full Environmental and Social Impact Assessment study (ESIA) is required. IGI Poseidon’s overall approach to the ESIA complies with Cypriot regulations in force and is performed in line with the requirements of the European EU Directive and the applicable international standards, as embodied in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Performance Requirements (PR1-10).
Scoping phase
Due to the importance of the EastMed-Poseidon Pipeline Project for the country and Europe overall, IGI Poseidon prepared and submitted a Scoping Report to the authorities on 29th July, 2021. The report has been developed in line with the Guidance Document for the EIA Procedure for PCIs, issued by the Environmental Authority Rev.1_2020 (Regulation (EU) No 347/2013) on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure, repealing Decision No 1364/2006/EC and amending Regulations (EC) No 713/2009, (EC) No 714/2009 and (EC) No 715/2009), EBRD Requirements and best practices for this kind of projects to ensure information is distributed early in the EIA process and views can be gathered and considered when preparing the EIA.
The Scoping Report identifies the key aspects to be addressed in the ESIA, ensuring that the ESIA focuses on relevant potential environmental and social impacts that may arise from the section of EastMed Pipeline Project in Cypriot jurisdiction. The Report also defines the works and investigations required to prepare the ESIA, including stakeholder engagement and disclosure activities. The Department of Environment provided the Company with a formal opinion on the Scoping Report. All the requirements were taken into account for the drafting of the ESIA report.
Scoping Disclosure meetings
In January 2022 IGI Poseidon S.A. held a series of virtual meetings with Authorities, local communities, NGOs and other organizations representatives in order to present the outcomes of the Scoping Report and to hold several open discussions to collect the views of the interested stakeholders; comments and requests raised during the discussion have been integrated within the ESIA study. After the completion of the virtual meetings a dedicated Scoping Disclosure report has been submitted to the authorities on 12th of May 2022.
After the completion of the Scoping phase, the project has been entered in the ESIA phase. The ESIA procedure for EastMed Pipeline Project in Cyprus also includes the requirements for PCIs, as specified by Guidance Document for the EIA Procedure for PCIs, issued by the Environmental Authority (Rev.1_2020).
ESIA Phase
The Draft ESIA Report has been prepared in compliance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Law N.127 (I)/2018 (and its recent amendment ‐ N. 23(I)/2021), international standards and the requirements included in Annex III of the Guidance Document for PCI. The ESIA has been developed taking into account also the feedback that IGI Poseidon received from the Cypriot authorities (01/11/2021), following IGI Poseidon’s voluntary sharing (29/07/2022) of the Scoping Report (prot., aimed at allowing an early consultation of all stakeholders regarding the design, construction and operation of the EastMed Pipeline Project, with focus on the environmental and social impacts. The Draft ESIA Report was officially submitted to Department of Environment on 09th January 2025 and documentation is available at this LINK.
Next Steps
IGI Poseidon S.A. is carrying out a series of meetings to present the outcomes of the Draft ESIA Study and is holding an open discussion to collect the views of the stakeholders for further consideration in the FINAL ESIA study.
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Scoping Report CY
Scoping Report Cyprus - EN Scoping Report Cyprus - GRESIA Report - Cyprus
ESIA Report - Cyprus – ENThe permitting process in Greece
Environmental permitting for projects is governed by Law 4014/2011 (Hellenic Government Gazette A’ 209/2011, as applicable), “Environmental Permitting for projects and activities”. Based on the provisions of said Law, as well as the Ministerial Decision 1958/2012, codified by Ministerial Decision 37674/2016 and as amended by Ministerial Decision 2307/2018. EastMed project is classified as a Class A project, for which an environmental permitting procedure is mandatory with the elaboration of an Environmental Impact Assessment Study. The environmental permitting process requires an Environmental Impact Assessment Study (EIA Study) approved by the Greek Authority, issuing the Environmental Terms Approval (ETA) Decision (ΑΕPΟ in Greek) Therefore, an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study (ESIA Study, satisfying the EIA requirements but focusing also to the social impacts) should be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE), Environmental Licensing Department (YPEN/DIPA). Preliminarily to the ESIA process, the execution of Preliminary Identification of Environmental Requirements Procedure – PIER (ΠΠΠΑ in Greek), is optional according to Law 4014/2011, but essential for such kind of projects.
Scoping phase (PIER)
A Preliminary Identification of Environmental Requirements (PIER) for the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Greek Section of EastMed Pipeline Project has been voluntarily prepared by IGI Poseidon and submitted to the Greek authorities on 29th July 2021. This study represents also the Scoping Document based on Articles 5(1) and 5(2) of EIA Directive (Directive 2011/92/EU as amended by 2014/52/EU), which allows the request for a Scoping Opinion from the competent authority, and is in compliance with the applicable international standards, as embodied in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Performance Requirements (PR1-10)
The Scoping Report (or PIER) identifies the key aspects to be addressed in the ESIA, ensuring the ESIA focuses on relevant potential environmental and social impacts that may arise from the Greek section of EastMed Pipeline Project. The Scoping Report also defines the works and investigations required to prepare the ESIA, including stakeholder engagement and disclosure activities. The positive opinion on the PIER was issued on May 9th, 2022, by the Minister of the Environment and Energy, all the requirements were taken into account for the drafting of the ESIA report.
Scoping Disclosure meetings
In January 2022 IGI Poseidon S.A. held a series of virtual meetings with Authorities, local communities, NGOs and other organizations representatives in order to present the outcomes of the PIER and to hold open discussions to collect the views of the interested stakeholders; comments and requests raised during the discussion have been integrated within the ESIA study. After the completion of the virtual meetings a dedicated Scoping Disclosure Report has been submitted to the authorities on 12th of May 2022.
ESIA Phase
The ESIA Report has been prepared according to Article 3 of Law 4014/2011, international standards and the requirements included in Annex III of the Guidance Document for PCI. The ESIA has been developed taking into account also the feedbacks received by IGI Poseidon from the Greek authorities following PIER Official Opinion dated 9th of May 2022 (Protocol No. ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΙΠΑ/72923/4764/09-05-202). The ESIA Report was uploaded in the Electronic Register of the ministry of Environment on June 3rd, 2022 (prot. number 58898/4033). ESIA documentation is available at this link. In the process of ESIA consultation, IGI POSEIDON S.A. has conducted dedicated ESIA focused disclosure activities to present to all stakeholders and the general public, the key technical project characteristics, the methodology and the results of the evaluation of the potential environmental / social / cultural impacts of the project and the related proposed mitigation measures.
The Authorities’ opinions including the opinions of the involved Regional Councils as well as reports from the general public, have been uploaded on the Electronic Environmental Register (in Greek ΗΠΜ), on the web page of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.
Next Steps
Following the issuance of the Environmental Terms Approval (ETA) Decision, IGI Poseidon shall submit to the relevant authorities, the application files for the issuance of the Installation ACT and the Installation Permit which are required prior to the start of any construction activities.
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ESIA (ΜΠΚΕ) Communication material
ESIA (ΜΠΚΕ) Communication MaterialIntroduction
The Section under Italian Jurisdiction (Progetto Poseidon) is completely authorized since 2011.
The permitting process in Italy
According to applicable Italian law N.152/2006, the Poseidon Project in Italy falls under Annex II of Section II of the above mentioned law which refers to projects for which, a full Environmental Impact Assessment is required. A relevant procedure was performed and was concluded with a positive opinion by the Ministry of Environment in 2010. In May 2011 the final Authorization Decree was issued by the Ministry of Economic Development.
The Section under Italian Jurisdiction (Progetto Poseidon) is completely authorized since 2011. Since 2018 IGI Poseidon is performing some activities in compliance with the prescriptions included in the Authorization Decrees with the full collaboration of Authorities and local institutions.
Next steps
IGI Poseidon will perform all necessary activities in compliance with the prescriptions included in the Authorization Decrees with the full collaboration of Authorities and local institutions.
The permitting process in Greece
The Εnvironmental Permitting process for the section of the project under Greek jurisdiction involved the following phases:
- Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment (PEIA) Phase. For the Offshore Poseidon Pipeline Project (PPP), this phase started in 2008 and ended in 2011.
- Environmental Impact Assessment Phase (EIA). For the Offshore PPP, this phase started in 2012 and ended in 2019.
Environmental Terms Approval (ETA) was issued on in 2015 (Ref. No. 145493/21.01.2015).
From mid-2016, the engineering design for the PPP (and consequently of its offshore section) has been reviewed to include latest updates on natural gas availability, design characteristics and environmental constraints updates. These developments led to the requirement of an ETA Amendment which was issued on 2019 (Ref. No. 35872/2373/07.06.2019).
The Approval of the pipeline route and installation for the onshore section between the landfall point and the Compressor station at Florovouni, has been published in the Gov. Gaz. B1925 of 19.05.2020. The relevant Decision for the offshore section between the landfall points and the EEZ borders of Greece-Italy is expected within April 2023.
Next steps
The Installation Permits and the “Concession of coastline, shoreline, and seabed” are expected to be obtained within 2023.